Friday, November 7, 2014

Grammar exercises


1. Verb tense review
2. Yes or No Questions
3. Tag Questions
4. Verb + Object + Infinitive
(She convinced me to go to the movies)


5. The Passive Voice
6. Quantifiers (a lot, few...)
7. Gerunds and Infinitives


8. Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
9. Embeddes wh and yes-no questions
10. Participle Adjectives


11. Modal verbs (might...)
12. Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns
13. Modal verbs (past)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekly Planning: 31.03.-04-2014

Monday, 31.03.2014

- Test correction

Writing !!!

Tuesday, 01.04.2104

Listening Practice !!!


Students copy their writing part and do a self correction
Better students help and find out about common mistakes.

Together class develops a list with common mistakes.
Students work out writing strategies on their own

Wednesday, 02.04.2014

Student's book p. 67 - Working with Topic Sentences

Every good paragraph has ONE topic sentence, which gives the general topic of a whole paragraph.(main idea) Remember to use a topic sentence, most preferably as the first sentence of the paragraph.


Forest Gump is a very touching movie
. It shows that it is possible to enjoy life without being stingy, materialistic or ruthless. It helps us to realize that there are many people among us that were born with various defects. That fact makes me think how fortunate I am to be totally healthy. The movie also contains a love story between Forrest Gump and a girl who does not think of him as a serious partner because of his defect; however, they eventually get married. Moreover, we see love between mother and son where Forest's mom even slept with the school principal in order to give the son a chance of going to a normal school. All those things make me think of this movie as a very moving story.   


Friday, 04.04.2014

Workbook !!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly planning 24.03.-28.03.2014

Monday: 24.03.2014

Pre-Activities: Grammar Theory and Worksheet on Present Perfect
Topic: Present Perfect
Skills: Speaking
Goal:  Students practice their speaking skills using the PP

Warm up: Students stand up - Teacher ask them "Have you ever..." If student can answer correctly he/she sits down. Who stands last looses.
Activity 1: Boardgame / TT - 5 groups of 4 students
Activity 2:
Wrap up: 
Socialform / Material: Groupwork / Worksheet 

After Class Observations:


Tuesday: 25.03.2014

Pre-Activities: Pair of students choose their favourite song. Investigate new vocabulary and choose a adequate picture adding to the song
Topic: Learning English with Songs
Skills: Vocabulary - Learning new words with pictures (Natural Learning Approach) - see learning skill stundent's book
Listening - Stundent's book - Comprehension Questions
Goal:  Students learn new vocabulary by sharing songs from their peers
Warm up:
Activity 1: Students show eachother their songs and learn together new vocabulary / Projector
Activity 2: Listen to the dialouges p.61 / Listening 1: Wh-Q / Listening 2: Students create Questions
                  Listening 3: Students listen and act out            
Wrap up:   Homework: Create a Role - Play / Act out this situation with own dialouges
Socialform / Material: Plenum / Projector
After Class Observations:


Wednesday: 26.03.2014

Pre-Activities: Theory - Present Perfect / Worksheet Grammar
Topic: Present Perfect
Skills: Writing / Questions forming

Goal:  Students learn how to transfer a statement into a question
Example: I've cooked your breakfast.
Question: What has she cooked ? / What has she done ? Has she cooked breakfast ?
Warm up: p. 63/4 - Identify the PP and form questions orally
Activity 1: p. 63/4 - write down the questions / TT
Activity 2:
Wrap up:
Socialform / Material: TT / student's book / exercise book
After Class Observations:

Friday: 28.03.2014

Pre-Activities: Spelling Bee  

Skills: Spelling words / pronunciation

Goal:  Stundents learn how to spell a given word from a list
Warm up:
Activity 1:Teacher says the word. Student has to spell it. Who makes a mistake is out.

Activity 2:
Wrap up:
After Class Observations:

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekly planing 10.03.-14.03.2014

Topic Sentence
Word Order S-V-O
The Present Perfect
Songs with Present Perfect
Task: Look for songs with the Present Perfect and create an exercise
Speaking: Present Perfect
Writing: Present Perfect

yet, already, just, always, ever, never

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Weekly planning 03.02.2014 - 07.02.2014

Steps how to put subtitles working with movie maker

1.       Haz click en Windows live Moviemaker
2.       Importar el video (format .wmv)
3.       Agregar créditos
4.       Formato – Dividir – Duracion del texto
5.       Guardar pelicula

6.       Recomendada para este proyecto


Teenagers like: music, fashion, sports, watching videos, i pods, games, noise, bloopers, fun videos

Make your own movie clip  :)

Video in the Classroom
In addition to being fun and motivating, video projects teach students to plan, organize, write, communicate, collaborate, and analyze. A successful video project has undergone a process of researching, scripting, organizing, filming, editing, and publishing. Students also have the opportunity to apply artistic and dramatic skills to their academic work.
With the proliferation of webcams, phone cameras, flip cams, digital recorders, and editing tools, video has exploded in the media lives of students. Many of them spend as much time, if not more, watching YouTube as opposed to television. In fact, video has become so prolific that some colleges even include video submissions as part of their application process. As this media further matures, students may need to be able to express themselves as effectively through moving imagery as with the written word.
For example videos click here:





1. Application of learned grammar    - Grammar from Unit 1,2 and 3
2. Independence / Autonomy            - Create own dialogues
3. Planning, Organizing                     - Setting, clothing, dialogues
4. Free speaking / Improvisation       - In case you get lost memorizing dialogues
5. Repetition / Memorization             - Dialogues
6. Teenage FUN


-Involve the units from the book
-Language chunks
-Provision of ideas, topics
-Setting rules
-Motivation (prices)
-Give examples of students made video clips



Steps / Draft / Procedure

1. Movie type

- Interview (famous music artist, sportsperson, actor/actress,)
- Promotion (Country, Product, Games, Books)
- Stories (thief - police / tourist guide - tourist / husband - wife)
- Short Films

2.  Location - Where are you going to film the video ?

3.  Personalities (reporter, sales person, thief....)

4.  Situation / Dialogues / Scripts

5.  Why are you making the video ? Who shell be the audience ?

6.  How long are you planning to do the video ?

7.  Clothing and Material

8.   Filming the video

9.   Editing the video (iPods, cell phones, Video Formats)

10. Subtitles in English (Windows Live Moviemaker)

11. Publish the video (youtube, blogger)

Monday       03.02.2014 – Organizing the groups, brainstorming
Tuesday       04.02.2014 – Creating the dialogues
Wednesday  05.02.2014 -  Draft (teacher corrects and gives advice)
Friday          07.02.2014  - Draft (teacher corrects and gives advice)


- Presentation of movie clips

Tuesday 11.02.2014


1st   Price - 4 Movie tickets

2nd  Price -  2 Movie tickets

3rd   Price -  Chocolates


1. Plan / Organization
2. Speaking performance of all participants (correct grammar, pronunciation)
3. Contribution / Collaboration of all participants (idea, filming, script writing, editing)
4. Autonomy (What did everyone do ?)
5. Video image (effects, story, sense, editing)