Movies and Series (Listen and watch !)

Youttube as an excellent source of listening, watching and learning !!!

The most extreme Killers

Earth in 2100

Learn English with BBC

 ___________Great for Kids !!!__________

What happens to used plastic ?



Our planet earth, will we survive ? How is our earth functioning ? Does the earth rules us or do we rule the earth ? What will happen, if we don't care about our planet ?


Step up 4 - The Movie

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

  Part 5 

Part 6

 Part 7

Part 8 

Part 9

Part 10 

Part 11


National Geographic - Locked up uproad :)

Don't miss to watch "Locked up abroad" (preso en el extranjero)
Saturday, October 6th, 10:45 am,  Channel: Natioanl Geographic !!!
If you don't have time to watch it here is the link of the video on youttube:


1. Who is Ruthie Lambert ?
2. Who is Jhonny ?
3. Who is Juan ?
4. What happened to Ruthie ?
5. Why did she need money so urgently ?
6. Why did she get sick ?
7. What is the moraly of the story ?

Retell the story !

Use the Simple Past !!

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