Saturday, September 7, 2013

Studyplan 09.09.2013 - 13.09.2013

Unit 1:  Back to school - Covertime : 02.09.-27.09.2013
Tests and Projects: 01.10.-04.10.2013

Monday, 09.09.2013
Student's Book / P. 12 / 13 
Revision: Simple Past
Students read Text 1 and Text 2 and underline with a pencil all they can find about the Simple Past.
Then they copy all the explored Grammar and try to form rules about the Simple Past in their notebooks. 

Regular verbs:
Irregular verbs:
Yes/No questions:

Wh- Questions:
The verb to be:

Aff. Statement:
Neg. Statement:
If they don't understand a word, they have to check their book to see if they can find help at the vocabulary section. If they don't understand the Grammar they have to check the Grammar Section to see if they are able to understand it by themselves. The teacher stands always beside to observe and help. 
Fast students then stand up and become teachers. 
Exercises Simple Past:
Tuesday, 10.09.2013
Blog - Project - Students present
My Vacation
Here you can see an example:
This was on the train to Berlin. My son sat in front of me and read the newspaper while listening to his music. He really enjoyed the trip. In the back there was a woman eating some food which she bought on the train at the Bord-Restaurant. 1 Coca-Cola cost 3 €, so usually people bring their own food.  
More pictures you can find here:

 Show students how to build their own pictionary :)

Wednesday, 11.09.2013
Student's Book P.14/15
See Monday :)

Comparison Simple Present - Simple Past

Friday, 13.09.2013
Song about Simple Past

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