Monday: 24.03.2014
Pre-Activities: Grammar Theory and Worksheet on Present Perfect
Topic: Present Perfect
Skills: Speaking
Goal: Students practice their speaking skills using the PP
Warm up: Students stand up - Teacher ask them "Have you ever..." If student can answer correctly he/she sits down. Who stands last looses.
Activity 1: Boardgame / TT - 5 groups of 4 students
Activity 2:
Wrap up:
Socialform / Material: Groupwork / Worksheet
After Class Observations:
Tuesday: 25.03.2014
Pre-Activities: Pair of students choose their favourite song. Investigate new vocabulary and choose a adequate picture adding to the song
Topic: Learning English with Songs
Skills: Vocabulary - Learning new words with pictures (Natural Learning Approach) - see learning skill stundent's book
Listening - Stundent's book - Comprehension Questions
Goal: Students learn new vocabulary by sharing songs from their peers
Warm up:
Activity 1: Students show eachother their songs and learn together new vocabulary / Projector
Activity 2: Listen to the dialouges p.61 / Listening 1: Wh-Q / Listening 2: Students create Questions
Listening 3: Students listen and act out
Wrap up: Homework: Create a Role - Play / Act out this situation with own dialouges
Socialform / Material: Plenum / Projector
After Class Observations:
Wednesday: 26.03.2014
Pre-Activities: Theory - Present Perfect / Worksheet Grammar
Topic: Present Perfect
Skills: Writing / Questions forming
Goal: Students learn how to transfer a statement into a question
Example: I've cooked your breakfast.
Question: What has she cooked ? / What has she done ? Has she cooked breakfast ?
Warm up: p. 63/4 - Identify the PP and form questions orally
Activity 1: p. 63/4 - write down the questions / TT
Activity 2:
Wrap up:
Socialform / Material: TT / student's book / exercise book
After Class Observations:
Friday: 28.03.2014
Pre-Activities: Spelling Bee
Skills: Spelling words
/ pronunciation
Goal: Stundents learn how to spell a given word from a list
Warm up:
Activity 1:Teacher says the word. Student has to spell it. Who makes a mistake is out.
Activity 2:
Wrap up:
After Class Observations: